Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dream Vacation

To say our household had been hectic lately would have been putting it mild.
I am not going to go into the gritty details here, you will just have to take my word on it. Then Joey's family suffered a great loss. A young man lost his life and left behind 4 children, a wife and many others who loved him dearly.
Life is crazy, chaotic but also precious and can easily be taken away. So we threw all reasoning out the window and bought 5 planes tickets to depart ASAP...destination, St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.
I had always wanted to visit the Virgin Islands so this was a dream come true for me but I never expected to fall in love with it the way I did. The moment I stepped off the plane the island breeze hit my face and I stared at the colorful houses built into the hillsides, tears actually swelled up in my eyes from the extreme peace I felt. That sense of peace stayed with me the entire trip. The place will always seem sort of magical to me because of that.