Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Today is one of those days that the world is piling up on me and I am just tired, tired of it all.
I'm tired of fighting for my son, trying to get one doctor to REALLY listen to us and see how all his medical problems just might somehow be related.
Tired of trying to figure out where to take him next and what to do with the other 2 kids, the house and animals while I am gone.
Sick and tired of the genetics department. I finally had to go and pick up an info pack in person because 2 got lost in the mail. Then it took them over 2 weeks to receive the completed info. So instead of us having an appointment say this week we don't have one till the 8Th of next month.
I'm tired of fighting for his education. Even though 99% of his teachers are great it only takes one to drag you down and make you want to crawl back under the covers.
So tired of watching my beloved baby boy in pain day after day and being totally helpless as a parent.
Tired of watching him drag himself to school even though he is sick and in pain. He doesn't feel like going but what choice does he have when the school top administration does not have a heart and only cares about what looks good on paper.
Tired of the way I feel when I know his friends are off to play another basketball game without him. Even though I am happy that they are healthy I can't help but feel that sick twinge of I don't know exactly what it is in the pit of my stomach.
So scared that when I try to research hospitals that are known for treating Ehlers-Danlos (most doctors agree it is a great possibility) I read about child after child that have suddenly died from aneurysms because they were undiagnosed. The last one I read about last night was a 12 year old boy........
Posted by Stephanie at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
We took Marcus to Duke University Hospital last week in hopes that they might be able to offer some other treatment for his ever mounting medical issues. All they could do was say they agreed with the diagnosis of fibro and hypermobility syndrome. The recommendation was to find someone who does cognitive therapy and bio feedback in hopes he can literally retrain the way his brain processes pain along with techniques to better cope. Not that I don't agree with any of that it is just hard to explain that to a 12 year old. He only hears that he needs therapy aka 'shrink'.
Just a few weeks ago he started doing something new. His joints will pop loudly and feel as though something has popped out of place. While in North Carolina him and I were laying in the hotel bed, he was asleep and I was watching TV. I heard a loud pop, he woke up and yelled out in pain saying his shoulder had popped. The other times he had done this I thought maybe he had done something to cause it but this time I KNOW he didn't cause I was right there. The other day his elbow popped out. This has been the worst so far. He can't straighten it out without severe pain and has been in a sling trying to cope.
Over the weekend I stumbled upon a sight about "Invisible Diseases". I was looking for any new info about fibro when I seen a link for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I clicked on it just because I had never heard of it before. It didn't take long to see that this described Marcus in so many ways.
EDS affects the ability for the body to produce and use collagen, literally the glue that holds the body together. There are a few different types, the EDS type 3 or hypermobility type has many of his symptoms.
For 2 days I read everything I could find on this including personal blogs written by mothers who children have this. I found myself thinking "oh my goodness" too many times to count cause I felt like I could have written much of it myself about Marcus.
Today we took him to see his Orthopedic in Cape. I wanted to take him for 2 different reasons...first to make sure that his elbow wasn't dislocated and second to run my idea or discovery by a doctor.
Posted by Stephanie at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Big K

Posted by Stephanie at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Happy 7th grader?

Posted by Stephanie at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Dream Vacation
To say our household had been hectic lately would have been putting it mild.
I am not going to go into the gritty details here, you will just have to take my word on it. Then Joey's family suffered a great loss. A young man lost his life and left behind 4 children, a wife and many others who loved him dearly.
Life is crazy, chaotic but also precious and can easily be taken away. So we threw all reasoning out the window and bought 5 planes tickets to depart ASAP...destination, St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.
I had always wanted to visit the Virgin Islands so this was a dream come true for me but I never expected to fall in love with it the way I did. The moment I stepped off the plane the island breeze hit my face and I stared at the colorful houses built into the hillsides, tears actually swelled up in my eyes from the extreme peace I felt. That sense of peace stayed with me the entire trip. The place will always seem sort of magical to me because of that.
Posted by Stephanie at 10:39 AM 0 comments